In this day and age where most children grow up there isn’t much of manners or respect towards our fellow generation, elders or let alone our minors, but to that I have to say this, in the last 5 years I have come to witness something remarkable with a small but tight nit family to which I am very proud off being a part of it.
You take this for instance, last night was a certain birthday boys 18 nothing fancy nothing over the top at all but he wanted to cook for us for what ever reason(to which it gave “the wife I always wanted’ and it gave her a night off from cooking dinner). Now let me explain this for you, this young man who loves to cook and make a mess at the same time, first off we took him to the shop to buy the food he wanted to prepare for us, he even paid for the food.
Now as for his mum (for I am very proud to be her husband ) all she could do is watch her little boy dancing around the super market place, and I watched her look at him and she was so proud of him and the look on her face is something I will not try to explain unless you are a mother and then one will understand the look that only mothers get from seeing their young boys turn into young men. Now as for the manners and loyalty that her 2 boys have for their mother is absolutory second to none at all, they have seen their mother go through tuff times and some great times, before I came into the picture and I was very astonished to witness all of this and it made me proud of them.
Yea, they are pretty special babe.