Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Battle line

Back to the battle lines

Well here I am once again back at the battle lines of the queue at the local dole office where the fight of trying to get work around the place of the out shirts of Brisbane, where so many people are out of work and in the same boat as I am where as work is getting harder and harder. Having the depression and been anxious with the last job I was getting to a point of harming myself or someone else and then I would have been so worried for that person and would of lost the plot for myself, then there would have been sue and kate to consider and I could asure you now I would of wound up in hospital.

This place of work were I was employed had a explosion or inserinaration point of 8 to 10 kilometers and that did have me starting to worry about that from time to time and it started to get to me for no apparent reason. So now I have join the battle line of the local queue so life will get a tad hard to do things where as before it was able to do some things with the family. Now that I have (as they say a bit of spare time) I do have the urged to go out and whip myself out with a bit hicahole or alcohol but as for the drugs the doc has me on, it would not be advisable to do so, so that is out of the question but when all better I think I will indulge or partake in these beverages of the human drink.

Monday, May 18, 2009

part 2

Well here is part 2 to our little adventure down to waggie, where I left off was the room booking and the debt card and then for the car rental, we gave them a ring and to see if we could pick the car up, which was booked over the webb so here we go again. Told them the problem about the credit card and you guessed it, they told me over the phone that we need that card to get a imprint of the card for any damage that has been done to the car (if they any). Not to mention they want $200 down payment because there was no card,(mongrels).

Just a little reminder that if or when you or anyone else you know that is going to waggie and to hire a car from the big A (wont mention any car rentals) just make sure they have filled out the condition report first before you take it out of the car park, if no condition report of the car just take a few picks of the car in the car yard so they haven’t anything to come back at you with.

To cut a long story short, we did end up with the car in the end and that was a huge relief for all because we didn’t want to wear our any pairs shoes walking around and that wouldn’t help dd out at all and that would of buggered the whole weekend up for all. Not to mention dd’s walking stick would been hospitalized and put on a ventilator or the doctors would of used the paddles to kick start it again yelling out CLEAR or a chain saw laughing out loud, or they would have been sing the song ”rip rip wood chip turn it into paper”.

At the end of the weekend dd and wonder kid and myself had a great time seeing our sergeant son march out and spending time with him not mention for myself that I am very very proud of sergeant son for his achievements and for living his dream of been in the armed forces, it makes one feels proud to be a ozzie. Well you know the rest from dd’s blogs of the weekend that had been.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The weekend that was

What a weekend it has been for the three of us down and

back from wagga wagga, it was the coldest day to for

been a Friday getting up at the crack of dawn to get all

things read to be packed away. It started out great day on

Thursday to be going to the air port, well we did get the

car parking a bit screwed up in the beginning going to the

wrong area first but that was the start of things.

All flights were great until we got to the last flight

where we were about an hour late on getting the flight,the

flight was late by an hour and we where not happy

flighers about this time of night but we did have a good

laugh at this stage, where these 2 pilots came down and

asked the attends where the flight for rex was and was

this the place. Hence the guys just told them to go up

stairs and ask; well they had a giggle too.

It was an eye opener for me at wagga, where I have

flown all over oz to go and do different work were they

had baggage caracals for people to pick their bagged up,

but at waggie they just turn up with the little trollie and

you pick it off the trailer(talk about funny). Well got to

the hotel to book in then they ask for a credit card (we

already booked and paid for over the net), and we told

them that we had left it behind.

Well I nearly lost it when they said they can not let

us in the room because we didn’t have our card with us

(talk about a kick in the guts), but all went well when DD

said would a debt card be ok and it did come to the


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Here we go 2 more sleeps

Well here we are only 2 sleeps to go until we are off flying high for the first time as a family, so we have a bit of a dilemma about who is sitting next to the window and we have come to the conclusion that the blond one has taken it as she will now sit there ,the look on her face will be just great as she witness the take off let her eye balls will be out of her head.

Then the middle seat will be taken up by the wife I always wanted so she can get the blond one’s expression on the camera not to mention her back will be a tad sore when we land, but all is not lost she will have taken her chill pills before take off hopefully an hour before we go.

So I will take up the isle seat, what I can do is have a rest or a sleep or maybe just annoy the shit out of them both well they can not go anywhere hey except out the escape door and I think they wont ………

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A proud parent

Ah today has been a interesting day, daughter has some new wardrobe items they might be a tad big for her, well of course she is growing like a young duckling and we both know she is going to grow into a beautiful swan dazzling men when they see her. She will have a quick and sharp humor to her and seem to be a dizzy at the same time; well that is what she will let them think anyway.

Then tonight the oldest rang from wagga wagga and he sounds just delighted that we are coming down for his march out as we have been gearing up for this weekend for some time, the men in green I will call him from now on he has done some amazing things in the last few months of his life and I will take my hat off to him for how far he has come and matured. Here is a turn up for the books for you, come Saturday night he wants me to buy some nice cigars for us to enjoy together and over a very nice wine or something to that nature. He is looking forward to seeing his little sister and they wont be able to break for about 5 minutes or so then the mum, ah the mum will have a little tear in her eye for him and then the embracing for those 2 will be a codac moment I will give you the drum.

As for me I will be a proud parent of this fine young gentlemen he has turned out to be (it is a pity that I hadn’t met their mother years ago) but hey that is life, I am still proud of him for what he has done and achieved in the 5 years that I have known him. He will go place in the army and he will grow in his mental attitude and self esteem, like I had said before I will take my hat off to him

Friday, May 8, 2009

For the trip down south

Well here we are on a fine sunny Saturday morning,

having pancakes for breakfast and having a good cuppa

and going out later to get the youngin some warm cloths

for the trip down south, sounds like we are in Yankee

land going to visit the relatives, to which we are all

looking forward to watch our son for his march out of the

army, there he will be in his pretty green uniform and

plastic gun, have to laugh at the tuppa wear gun. But, hey

each to his own I say lol.

Well first things first the daughters cloths, off we

go marching down the shops isles and in to the stores

where we will have to let her chose her cloths and the

wife I always wanted will be in toe just to make sure they

will fit her and not coast us the earth (thank god). Hey,

the youngin is growing at a rapped rate of knots and

every time we buy her shoes, cloths, or what ever they

only last about at least 3 months or so and have to go and

get more cloths, shoes or whatever. So to all the men out

there that are complaining about this life’s travels of

having Billy lids, at the end of the day I wouldn’t have it

any other way