Saturday, May 9, 2009

A proud parent

Ah today has been a interesting day, daughter has some new wardrobe items they might be a tad big for her, well of course she is growing like a young duckling and we both know she is going to grow into a beautiful swan dazzling men when they see her. She will have a quick and sharp humor to her and seem to be a dizzy at the same time; well that is what she will let them think anyway.

Then tonight the oldest rang from wagga wagga and he sounds just delighted that we are coming down for his march out as we have been gearing up for this weekend for some time, the men in green I will call him from now on he has done some amazing things in the last few months of his life and I will take my hat off to him for how far he has come and matured. Here is a turn up for the books for you, come Saturday night he wants me to buy some nice cigars for us to enjoy together and over a very nice wine or something to that nature. He is looking forward to seeing his little sister and they wont be able to break for about 5 minutes or so then the mum, ah the mum will have a little tear in her eye for him and then the embracing for those 2 will be a codac moment I will give you the drum.

As for me I will be a proud parent of this fine young gentlemen he has turned out to be (it is a pity that I hadn’t met their mother years ago) but hey that is life, I am still proud of him for what he has done and achieved in the 5 years that I have known him. He will go place in the army and he will grow in his mental attitude and self esteem, like I had said before I will take my hat off to him

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