Tuesday, March 24, 2009

low flying duck

Well another day down and almost hump day yipeeeeeee , the last few day's have been a tad worrying about the militant midget, having to go through all of these things that are happening to her, which in truth is hard sometimes. I feel so useless not being able to help her with all of these things, but she says she is tough (just through up then )lol, well chef-to-be was there yesterday just to help her around so she wouldn't fall in a heap on the shopping floor, well while she is looking for her state of the art mobile which suppose to fry a low flying duck on full flight not to mention take it out with a heat seeking missile, love to see her hold that to her shoulder ......the missile will stay in one place and the militant midget flying backwards that would be a Kodak moment

1 comment:

  1. So militant midget got her new phone?? and yes I can picture her launching a missile, or rather the missile launcher launching her backwards into a nearby hedge...lmfao.. the huge person that she isnt...lol
    U must b very practised in the art of ducking her wrath,,, and have balls of iron to run the risk of being sent to bed with hand cuffs on.. MILITANT MIDGET indeed...pmsl
