Saturday, March 21, 2009

why us

As we have seen on the idiot box laterly and all of these election who's who and who's not ,we all have to do the surposed thing and go and vote for these people who have our best interest in hand ,who's hand are they talking about theirs or ours .I think it is for them alone ,they seem to looking after themselvs most of the time and what do we realy get out of it .......nothing at all ,they get a big fat pay rise and we are in the same boat the next day ,,,,,,so the question is .....why us


  1. You there. You know, you and I could have some fun on this too hun.

  2. Why us?? because we live in the lucky cuntry. lucky to have such theivin lieing bastards sit in parliment and slag each other out all day and get paid handsomely for the priviage..While we, the plebs, get to slave away day after day, sending most of our hard won gains to them that lead.
    Does our cuntry sound more and more like an ants nest to u?? cause it sure is starting to sound like it to me.
    The fat queens in parliment are just breeding more and more arseholes everyday. and we have to work harder to feed and pay the mongrels.
    oops me vented big time hey. LOL

  3. yes redhead i think you have hit the nail on the head, we as ants you have mention are just giving to the fat queen
